Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Sometimes I hate having a conscience

Little did I know that blogging has a serious history of getting people fired from their jobs.

Funny how I should be a little more worried about being fired for blogging from work, about work, when instead I am scared to hurt my mother's feelings.

That being said, I regret to inform you that I have chosen to remove the posts involving the woman who birthed me for fear of hurting her feelings if she is to ever find out about this blog.

When I really should have been paying more attention to the reason for the season, I have instead been spending a lot of time contemplating my reasons for blogging. I came to the conclusion that not only is writing on this site an attempt to keep all my far away friends updated, it is also a way to vent and share my feelings and struggles (as displayed in my masthead above). What I struggle with is hurting people's feelings via this site and my posts. I don't want to push people away because of what I write about - I want people to be drawn to my posts and perhaps share them with their friends, who will share them with their friends (you get the idea).

However, I also want to remain honest in my blogging. As I mentioned in the post regarding my small group girls, they know that they are fair game for a topic of my blog and respect that (shoot, they all have myspace and xanga - they know the drill). Perhaps if the matriarch of my family ever finds out that I could possibly be writing about her crazy antics, she will be more self-aware of her actions toward me.

In the mean time, I am maintaining my original committment NOT to share with my mother that I have begun using this blog as an outlet for my feelings, but I have come to accept that it is inevitable she will find out about it eventually (probably having just a little something to do with the fact that I included the address to the site in the Christmas letters I sent to all my extended family members).


Anonymous said...

Yeah...I realize we are "fair game" but it still sucks reading about how we arn't the girls you want us to be.

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should think about the girl YOU want to be instead of worrying about what other people think.