Tuesday, December 13, 2005

This is what happens when you suffer from child envy

My friend Amanda recently moved to Janesville, Wisconsin, and she and I were talking over the phone the other night in regards to whether or not she was going to come to my ill-fated Pampered Chef party (yes, I sell Tupperware, but was having a Pampered Chef party. Note to self: Don't have a cooking/kitchen party when your own is draped in protective plastic and filled with construction equipment and supplies). I only had the party to help out my friend who I booked the party off of and to get free stuff, and then I didn't even get any free stuff because only one person came besides my friend who I booked the party off of! Anyway, Amanda (who was the only other person to come besides the friend I booked the party off of) was sharing with me that she might start taking me up on my previous offers to babysit her little girl, Litty (mind you, Litty turned 2 years old November 5, and this is how long I have been offering to donate my child care services to Amanda and her wonderful husband, Dan). The conversation provided a segway for me to ramble on regarding my most recent life dilemma - Child Envy. I explained to Amanda that I know I am not getting enough face time with my friends' children when I start to want to bring my client's kids home. I have already volunteered to take one of my client's 4 kids to a puppet show this Sunday, and I seriously contemplated how Brad and I could watch another client's 11-month old baby while she had treatment for her hyperthyroidism. Of course, my professionalism and COMMON SENSE kick in before I go making plans, but it just goes to show that I don't spend enough time with CHILDREN! Some days, after having my client's children screaming and kicking the back of my seat in my car for hours makes me think totally otherwise, but I always come back to the desire to be a mother - or at least a sudo-auntie - for just a little while. You know, to get my fill.

Before even talking to Amanda, though, I had the thought to "highlight" some of my friends' children on this site, as an "ode to the child." I know I love seeing my name in print, and my picture? Even better! I cannot even imagine what it might feel like to see your child's picture in print.

So, here is my first Ode. To Litty Abigail. Daughter to Amanda and Dan. This is her 2-year old picture, which I also have clipped to a snowflake picture holder sitting on top of my TV. You cannot help but melt at those pigtails! They are like little angel wings!

I am in the process of asking my other friends permission to publish their children on this site. I think it will be fun! Maybe I'll do this monthly... You'll just have to keep reading (and keep sending me the fruit of your baby's photo shoot) to see if your baby is featured.


Anonymous said...

omg dude!!!!Im at skool with Elyse and we googled Honey brook PA and on the 3 page theres a picture of my sister!!!!OMG im having a cow and yea!!!!!I was sooo excited and would of called u if I could of!!!!!!!!And yea i had to tell u that!!!!

Anonymous said...

Where is my picture? How about "cute kids of friends AND CUTE FRIENDS of Joslyn?" Man.