Sunday, December 25, 2005

Road Trip Success

Thursday afternoon we left for a 4 hour drive down to Staunton, Illinois, where Brad's parents live. It was Yummy's first road trip, and although we were adequately prepared with litter box in tow, we were still not 100% sure how she would handle the journey.

We have heard from friends that cats typically do not travel well. But, ever since we brought our tenacious, precious kitten home, she has appeared to thoroughly enjoy riding in the car. Personally, I think it is because she finds it a rare moment in time when she is able to be closer to the "outside world" she normally just watches from within the confines of our house.

She made herself quite at home - on the way down, she even upstaged me by having the front seat all to her own, leaving me to remain in the back seat next to the oh-so-fragrant litter box. On the way back, she was comfy cozy on a down blanket strategically placed on my lap, on which she slept almost the entire way home! Brad was a little jealous, though, for after we stopped to switch driving positions, Yummy still wanted to lay on my lap and did so while I drove!

It's okay, Brad, Yummy loves us both the same... hee hee.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I cant believe yall took ur cat!!!Ur crazie!!Haha thats soo funnie!!!I wish I could have a cat like that.I would take him to China.Haha I guess I couldnt cuz U cant drive there.Yea And our Bunnie rabbit sleeps with Kalissa and he really doesnt love me so I got Guinea pigs and they cant love me and yea.Thay are making me really sick.I think thats retarded that God made such coolie lil animals and then makes people allergic:( LUCKY!!!Ur cats pretty cool tho.Haha cool cat for cool people!!!Happy Jesus' Birthday!!(even tho it was yesterday:)