Sunday, May 07, 2006

this card scares Shannon

This is the card I received from my friend Crista about a month and a half ago in honor of my 28th birthday. I thought it was a very clever card and that it was a good likeness of me.
I later learned from my friend Shannon that it actually scared her. In fact, she said it almost scared her as much as clowns do. Which, is a lot because Shannon is very scared of clowns. Really.
I'm trying to get more people to comment on this site, so this is my formal invitation for those of you who read to please comment on what you think about this card. Cute or creepy? What are the dots above her eyes? Is Joslyn's face really that round? Should I wear my hair in pigtails more often? What are your thoughts?

Love you all,


Anonymous said...

Awww...It's cute!

But, Yeah...It's also sorta creepy. The little dots above it's abnormally small pupils scare me, too.


Talk to ya, soon.


Anonymous said...

I still say creepy. But yes, you should wear your hair in pigtails more often.


Anonymous said...

I think in person it is cute.

Online its sorta creepy.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... Kinda strange looking! :)