Sunday, May 07, 2006

Passing down the tiara

A couple of years ago it seemed as if I was always sending invitations to people to come over for a hom demonstration party, i.e. Tupperware, jewelry, Creative Memories. I could almost imagine some of my friends' responses as they received yet another invitation to one of my parties: "Joslyn is having another person in her home to sell us stuff?? I'm broke!" However, I am proud to say that my self-imposed title of "Queen of the Home Party" has been passed down to my good friend, Amy.
Not only is Amy the ultimate hostess (awesome food, immaculate presentation, cordial and intentional about making everyone feel welcome and loved) she has parties to help her friends businesses! I was grateful to her for opening her home for one of my first Tupperware parties. She didn't give me any grief about it and was excited about the opportunity to help me out (and to earn her own free stuff)! I love being invited to Amy's home parties, and instead of letting myself feel like I "have" to buy something, I try to think of who I can buy something for. Is anyone's birthday coming up? Or any other gift-giving holiday? That way, I don't feel bad about buying myself something that I cannot justify in the budget, but I am still helping my friend and getting some shopping done in the mean time. Besides, I don't think my family and friends want gifts of Tupperware for every occasion (even though it is very versatile).
Another perk with attending home parties is that you get to see friends! Yes, that's right. It's the same reason you would go to any other party where the purchase of some seemingly over-priced product is not otherwise required. Now that my friend Jill and her family have moved back to the area, it is almost a guarantee that I get to see her when I go to Amy's! That is, unless she is busy fulfilling her wife-of-the-youth-pastor duties at some church function. On this Friday, however, Jill was in attendance and full of fun as ever (even though I admitted to her my disappointment that she did not bring Jackson. I guess he was sick or something...not that I really bought that excuse).
Our insta-teen Kira was also with us, and said she had a good time, but what does she tell Brad about our girls night out? That she learned different ways to give someone the middle-finger. Great. Just what two wives-of-youth-pastors should be teaching impressionable minds. Luckily for everyone involved, Kira is a level-headed, mature young lady with an even more awesome sense of humor.
Here are some pictures from Friday, again, taken with the trusty camera phone since our expensive digital camera is not only without a functioning flash, but also out of batteries. Please read the captions so that no one is unfairly incriminated based on assumed behaviors depicted in the photos (that was for you, Jill)!

Amy and Jill
(a.k.a. "The hostess with the mostest" and "The Pill")
Otis, pretending he is a person. What? He isn't?
Jill, holding an empty martini glass that was only at one time filled with a non-alcoholic spritzer!
Kira and Jill cleaning up while Joslyn sat at the table keeping Otis company.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aw...sounds like you guys had fun! And I'm not worried bout Kira...I know you're a good influence on her! ;) HEHE!! ---Dev