Friday, May 12, 2006

God is real, and He speaks to us

Last night I sat down at the computer after Brad had been on it, and he had left open a blog he reads regularly, posted by the President of Youth Specialties. After reading the post, I demanded to know if Brad had written it, because it was so amazingly pertinent to what we have been going through that I could not believe the irony of it! And that is just the thing, it wasn't ironic -- it was God speaking to us through this man that, although we have seen him at conferences, have never met. The post is here.
This is not the only instance recently that has reinforced my faith in the Lord and His omniscience. Friends tells us that they have been praying for us, and then will receive Bible verses and quotes from their friends that speak to our situation. And these are people who are not even aware of what we are going through. One of my best friends from high school had an article written about her in the local newspaper not too long ago, based on her excellence in teaching. Shortly after Brad was asked to resign, a student's grandma stopped by and quoted to me something Carrie had said in her interview, that was appropriate to our situation. She didn't even know that Carrie was such a good friend of mine, and at the time of Carrie's interview, Brad still had his job!
So as you can see, I am overwhelmed by the awesome ways God is showing Himself to us during this time of uncertainty. It is more than reassuring to know that He will take care of us, and He will take care of you, too.

1 comment:

Dangling Pointer said...

well, dont know the background of ur post, but yes, god does exist, and has his signs everywhere!! u r ra blessed one who can see the signs!!

btw, really liked the image!!