Tuesday, June 27, 2006

For anyone else whose husband might be looking for work

As seen in the Stateline Shopping News:

"WANTED: 99 Male singers call Clint at 608-755-1290"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

im very upset thats there is no more small groups at your house and in my state of anger im a going to plan a party at your house and it wil be awesome.
there will be cake and other stuff.
you and brad will be caught so offguard you both will go into shock and then you will both spend the night in the hospital.
then when you wake up there we will be standinng right there, i will be of course standing behind you breathind down your neck.

Your mother is one of the people that will help us along with erics grandma.

i bet anyone who reads this will think whats wrong with me but to the other people that read this it is all her fault