Tuesday, February 07, 2006

See what emotionally draining jobs and the demands of graduate school can do to people?

The following dialogue took place between me and one of my best friends, Crista, who is currently working on her graduate degree at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, VA.

Crista: There is no such thing as too much information between friends

ME: Especially in our special friendship. Because we are very special, right?

Crista: Yes, our friendship is very special...you mean like a "special bus" don't you?

ME: some may say that...especially when they see how happy I get when I show them the pooping toys that someone bought me

Crista: I've been looking for more pooping toys....but I can't find any more for you! Maybe that's the kind of store we should open!

ME: YES! Oh my gosh. That is it. A Poop store... EVERYTHING POOPS!

Crista: That's the name of the store right there....big neon lights "EVERYTHING POOPS"!Just think of all the poop merchandise we could make!

ME: what would the parents of the kids Brad works with think?

Crista: They'd probably be there for the grand opening!

ME: I'm totally doing it.

Crista: I give us both equal credit for the creation of "Everything Poops", because of course we will have to be equal partners in this venture.

ME: I like more fake poo and just the word. I wasn't all that happy that I had to wipe poo off my desk chair after I rolled over a kitty turd that mysteriously ended up outside of her litter box.

Crista: fake poo is definitely better.

ME: choco poo is the best - when it comes out of toy butts.

Crista: We could have little piles of choco poo all over the store. Like a choco herd of something had spent some time in there. The ideas are coming easier now....I can't stop!

ME: You know I'm going to have to write about this in my blog, right?


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Wow Um your post is very....intresting...Sounds like a sweet idea tho!!!Hehe!I would totally go there!!I think....Ur guys are special like that!!Anywho!Oh and I dont know what you heard about my Saturday nite but I didnt have to go to the hospital after all...We called 911 and they came over and then it was all good i guess...Hehe they had those lil packets for when people pass out!!Woah!!!!SO yea!!Its all good now!!!So talk to u tomorrow!!!!!!!!