Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Me and Shannon in 50 years

I remember going out to eat with Shannon, one of my best friends who now lives in Knoxville, working on her Master's degree at the University of Tennessee, and always having a hard time splitting the bill. It never seemed like I got it right, and either wanted to jip one of my friends, or not leave enough tip, or over tip a server who could have still been in high school and not yet taken the course where you learn to respect your elders or that "the customer comes first."

This picture brought to light what the same scenario might be like in 50 years. Me and Shannon, having finished a nice meal at a local eatery, HER TRYING TO SHOW ME HOW TO ADD TAX AND TIP TO MY TOTAL so that she didn't get stuck paying for my martini (or chocolate shake, for that matter) because, even 50 years later, she is still a broke college student.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha. It's not fault I have a caluculator in my head. And I SWEAR that I won't still be in school in fifty years. :)
