Wednesday, November 16, 2005

So my husband told me to post an entry sometime soon as we are getting ready to leave for a 10 day vacation to anytown, USA that just might end with the suffix "ville." Nashville, Knoxville, Evansville... the only exception is Staunton, where his family lives and where we will ultimately end up for Thanksgiving.

Neither of us can begin to tell you how eagerly we have awaited this vacation. This holiday of sorts. Both of us have careers focused on "serving the masses." Brad tries to instill a relationship with Jesus Christ in however obstinent and self-righteous, but fun and self-conscious, pre-teens and teens. Myself, on the other hand, work trying to instill socially acceptable daily functions in people who live in the gravest of conditions. So, when we are presented with an opportunity to go on vacation, we relish in the time together - alone. Which, with the amount of time we are going to spend DRIVING on this trip, will be a lot.

I am going to try and post while we are on vacation, especially since we are starting off by attending the National Youth Worker's Convention in Nashville, TN. This convention is going to spiritually replenish us and give an opportunity to remember WHY we do the work we do. We are going to hear awesome bands (including Jars of Clay - the band I fondly refer to as "my boys"), listen to amazing comedians (who said Christians aren't funny enough to leave your side aching from incessant laughter?), and most of all, be taught by incredible, educated, spiritually strong people who are serious about seeing our minsitries flourish and see the workers, who are blessed by the hand of God for the work they do, be lifted up and encouraged so they maintain, above all, their sanity.

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