Sunday, April 01, 2007


I have never considered myself to have an addictive behavior; never felt prone to become an addict of anything. Various members of my extended family suffer from alcoholism, and there is the random criminal amongt them, but I have never felt the urge to succumb to such vices. I enjoy scrapbooking, watching TV, and collecting super dooper poopers of any sort, but never really considered myself an addict to any of these.

I guess the word I need to use to describe my personality is: obsessive. The verb "obsess" can be defined as 1) To preoccupy the mind of excessively, and 2) To have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic. On the other hand, to become "addicted" is defined as 1) To cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance, or 2) To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively. To the naked eye, these two terms appear very similar and difficult to distinguish. When the definitions of the terms are dissected via the help of a handy dandy internet dictionary reference, they are very clearly different. Alas, I am obsessed.

Some may feel great sorrow (while others will probably be trying to control their gag reflexes) that it has taken me this long to discover what could have been an obsession quite some time ago with the story of Pride & Prejudice. I sadly admit I have never read a Jane Austen book, but have resigned myself to read them all. I have watched the movie, Pride & Prejudice two and a half times in the last week (the half was skipping to all the emotionally wrenching parts between Lizzie and Mr. Darcy that made my chest yearn for such passion in my own life!). I have also revisited my teenage behaviors from when I used to look up any and every movie starring Christian Bale by researching the man who plays Mr. Darcy in the film: Matthew Macfadyen. I plan on watching as many of his movies I can find at my local Family Video, and hope that it does not create any sort of inferiority complex in my dear, sweet, loving husband. My wonderful friend Shannon is bringing me her copy of Pride & Prejudice over Easter weekend when she is town for the holiday and her sister's baby shower. I have to pay my library fine in order to read the other Jane Austen much to do, so little time...

...along the lines of obsessions, I have decided to regularly post a series of photographs entitled, "Various and Unique Places Yummy the Cat Finds to Sleep." I think it might be relatively entertaining for those who know Yummy or who like cats, in general.