Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ongoing Renovation

I recently replaced the batteries in my camera, and although the flash still doesn't work and we can't afford to either fix it or buy a new one, I am using it to take pictures during the day.

The beautiful weather we experienced this weekend afforded me an opportunity to take some pictures around the outside of the house. I have some ideas for landscaping, and wanted to have pictures on hand to use as templates for possible designs. I have decided to become a little more invested in my yard this year, and although I fear I am getting too lofty with my ideas, it's fun to know that I can control what my yard looks like, because, after all, it is MY yard.

Brad decided to take this week off in between leaving his position at Lou Bachrodt and starting at Gustafson's Furniture on April 1st. He's been doing a lot of work around the yard and some more in the house. He took some new pictures of the house in progress and posted them on my flickr account. When I went to go look at them, I saw some of the original pics we took of the house and was reminded of how much improvement has been made over the last two years. I think I need to be reminded every once in awhile of how much progress has been made even if I sometimes feel like it's never going to be done...

Tile on the walls, carpeted floors.


Our IKEA sink freshly installed

Drywalled and mudded...

First set of cabinets installed, walls painted.

Shelving units with Crate and Barrel bowls (wedding gift from Kathy P.!)