Thursday, December 14, 2006

Things to come...

I realize I have not posted in awhile, and when I did post, the topics were relatively shallow and meant for entertainment. However, school is officially over for the semester as of yesterday, and here I am, quick to post on my ever-popular blog. My mind has been reeling with ideas on which to write about, and now hopefully I will have more "alone time" to actually publish my intricate thoughts and life happenings.
Which brings me to the section of this particular post where I tantalize you all with a glimpse of upcoming posts (because I know you sit at your computer, checking almost daily with anticipation to see what new and improved bright ideas I have chosen to write about).
--ADD interruptions: the most recent Jars of Clay song "Dead Man" is currently playing on the radio and I am reminded how I didn't even recognize the song when it first started playing because Dan Haseltine's voice is somewhat syncopated more than usual, and the music is reminisce of a 70s tune. Anyway, I love the song with a love like a mother feels for her children, even as they change through the years, because, they are, in fact her children...just as Jars of Clay are my "boyz."--
Coming up soon, on
- I will disclose a very important decision made on behalf of my life and future, which will undeniably disappoint some people, whereas others will care less because, after all, it's my life.
- I will give an update on my 2006 "goals."
- An end-of-the-year letter with pictures will be posted in mid-January.
- Pictures of scrapbook layouts I have worked on will be published on this site, not just for the enjoyment of others, but in attempt to spark a domino-effect of interest in those who may want to purchase pre-made layout scrapbooks for themselves or others.
- Stay tuned for an updated look of this blog, too, as I try and recruit my husband to add a certain flare to the site that only he is capable of accomplishing.
Well, those are just a few of the topics of future posts, so I hope my friends and family will continue to check back and perhaps recommend the blog to others to feed the all-to-common voyeuristic tendencies of Americans today. And, maybe someone will consider it a source of guilty pleasure...