Thursday, November 09, 2006

Moments of Joy

I guess my last post disappointed some people with its fluff and lack of sustenance. What people don't realize (but I am going to tell them now) is that I am always thinking of how I want to write a post about everything I am learning in grad school, and how my eyes have been opened to the crazy world of politics and that it is possible to be in the same class as people who think it is okay to refer to themself as a "c---" (they embrace the term) and to walk into class 20 minutes late 2/3 the way through the semester and claim they thought class started at 11:00.

And although I will eventually discuss my ever-changing outlook on this humanity-forsaken world, currently my heart is more heavily weighed down with yet another relationship debaucle. That's right. I'm talking about Brit and K-Fed. Time and time again celebrities are proving that, despite their fervent efforts to prove otherwise, YOU CAN BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ IN THE TABLOIDS.

However, I am able to find a moment of relief amongst all the disappointment I feel towards the celebrities I have really pulled for to make it through the angst of living in Hollywood and gossip surrounding their paparazzi-filled relationships and the irritation that wells up inside me 2/5 of the week sitting in graduate-level classes with students who cannot seem to make any type of serious point while they babble on about their troubled childhoods. I am able to count on one thing to remain a source of enjoyment in my life.

My sister dressing up as a giant whoopie cushion.