Friday, August 18, 2006


Born: July 1, 1996
Gotcha day: August 14, 2006
Weight: 14 lbs.
Gender: Male

As you can see, Brad and I finally came to an agreement and added to our family this past Monday, August 14. I drove out to south Chicago with a friend to pick up this little guy after it was suggested by the Director of Central Illinois Sheltie Rescue that he was perfect for our family and lifestyle. She described Bailey as "the perfect little gentleman." There is no such thing as a "miniature Sheltie," but Bailey is definitely on the smaller size! Although he is 10 years old, he has been observed as acting more like a 5 year old (which, as the days go by, we are starting to see for ourselves)!

According to Bailey's foster mom of 10 days, he was surrendered by a family who was moving to Arizona. The disturbing part of the story is that they had two other bigger dogs they were taking with them! How could someone own a dog for 10 years and just leave it? Especially this little guy? I don't know, and neither did his foster mom, but if the family would have taken him, the Huntsman's would not have been able to adopt him!

I can't even begin to describe how I fell in love with Bailey when I first saw him! He ran right out to the driveway to meet me and my friend when we arrived. He has a cute little turned-up nose and long, black hair framing his face.

I didn't tell my parents any of the plans as they were evolving, but once I knew I would be driving to Chicago to get Bailey Monday night, I cordially invited my parents over for dinner on Tuesday. My mom asked, "is there a special occasion?" -- to which I replied, "no."

Needless to say, when my parents walked in Tuesday night they were pleasantly surprised. Bailey greeted my mom like a little gentleman, whereas he barked and barked at my dad (no one really knows why since Bailey really hadn't barked up until then). My dad is in love, and my mom just smiled and hugged both me and Brad and said to him, "you must really love my daughter."

Friday, August 11, 2006

This post is just to please those of you who have actually requested that I post!!

It seems as if the demands to be a better friend by those who have claimed I don't call, don't write, don't visit, and don't post on my blog have finally affected me to the point that I am giving in. Well, at least the posting part.

Despite having laid awake countless nights composing in my mind what would be my next post, inevitably containing the most recent "Huntsman Happenings" -- because it's only fair that we keep everyone updated -- I don't want this blog to become foremost an online diary of what's happening in Joslyn & Brad's life, but to be a compilation of overly dramatic and exaggerated narratives, seasoned with random updates of what is going on in the beautiful Park of Machesney.

To humor those who have adamantly requested a new post (ahem, Shannon), here you go:

Brad and I would like to announce the birth of our new niece, Abigayl JoAnn Combs, born July 25, 2006. Included in the body of this text is the only photo of her we have been privileged to view -- from the hospital's public website. You'd think the child was the spawn of Katie & Tom with how secretively her image has been kept even from immediate family members! I will be sensitive to the fact that not everyone has a digital camera, or the time to scan photos, but it's been 2 1/2 weeks and Auntie Joslyn is coming down with the shakes from the anxiety and belief that I have certain rights not available to others being that I am the Aunt. I think Brad's family should be counting their lucky stars right now that we don't live any closer and that they have at least 4 hours notice to prepare for my arrival when I get the bee in my bonnet to go see my niece. If we did live any closer, I could be at that house every moment I had free just to be near that baby and to make sure she knew I was her Auntie Joslyn and that no matter how crazy I am, nothing could ever change that (insert half-hearted evil laugh, as not to scare the baby)!

Abigayl JoAnn Combs

7 lbs. 10 oz.

20 inches