Sunday, February 24, 2008

THIS SITE HAS MOVED... any chance someone should stumble across and it links to this page, please click the above link to be transferred to the updated, current site for Joslyn Huntsman and most topics associated with her, so says Google after randomly searching for myself out of boredom. C'mon...everyone's doing it these days...

...again, that's powerd by WordPress. Thanks!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Dear Anonymous Comment Posters

Mean and judgemental comments are unwanted on this blog. I realize that commenting as "Anonymous" is a safe way to vent and purge hurtful thoughts toward someone without fear of your true character being revealed. I also happen to realize that by posting my thoughts on a blog leaves me vulnerable to having people (some known and others strange) leave comments such as this:
I can't believe that you would write that you have never "felt the urge to succumb to such vices" when you are talking about addictions such as alcholism. Do you think you are better than those that struggle and actually may have had many more life experiences than you? Don't forget ...............YOU DO SuCCUMB to such vices!! FOOD!!!!
However, my feelings are easily hurt and I did not appreciate this comment. So, if that was your attempt, Anonymous Commenter, then you succeeded. But, please don't write any additional mean comments. If you have constructive criticism, then, great! I would love to hear it. Otherwise, just don't type anything at all.

Despite posting personal information about my struggle with weight back in January '06, I never followed through with what I thought would be a good accountability project. Since then I have decided to keep my weight challenges personal.

Sunday, April 01, 2007


I have never considered myself to have an addictive behavior; never felt prone to become an addict of anything. Various members of my extended family suffer from alcoholism, and there is the random criminal amongt them, but I have never felt the urge to succumb to such vices. I enjoy scrapbooking, watching TV, and collecting super dooper poopers of any sort, but never really considered myself an addict to any of these.

I guess the word I need to use to describe my personality is: obsessive. The verb "obsess" can be defined as 1) To preoccupy the mind of excessively, and 2) To have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic. On the other hand, to become "addicted" is defined as 1) To cause to become physiologically or psychologically dependent on a habit-forming substance, or 2) To occupy (oneself) with or involve (oneself) in something habitually or compulsively. To the naked eye, these two terms appear very similar and difficult to distinguish. When the definitions of the terms are dissected via the help of a handy dandy internet dictionary reference, they are very clearly different. Alas, I am obsessed.

Some may feel great sorrow (while others will probably be trying to control their gag reflexes) that it has taken me this long to discover what could have been an obsession quite some time ago with the story of Pride & Prejudice. I sadly admit I have never read a Jane Austen book, but have resigned myself to read them all. I have watched the movie, Pride & Prejudice two and a half times in the last week (the half was skipping to all the emotionally wrenching parts between Lizzie and Mr. Darcy that made my chest yearn for such passion in my own life!). I have also revisited my teenage behaviors from when I used to look up any and every movie starring Christian Bale by researching the man who plays Mr. Darcy in the film: Matthew Macfadyen. I plan on watching as many of his movies I can find at my local Family Video, and hope that it does not create any sort of inferiority complex in my dear, sweet, loving husband. My wonderful friend Shannon is bringing me her copy of Pride & Prejudice over Easter weekend when she is town for the holiday and her sister's baby shower. I have to pay my library fine in order to read the other Jane Austen much to do, so little time...

...along the lines of obsessions, I have decided to regularly post a series of photographs entitled, "Various and Unique Places Yummy the Cat Finds to Sleep." I think it might be relatively entertaining for those who know Yummy or who like cats, in general.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Ongoing Renovation

I recently replaced the batteries in my camera, and although the flash still doesn't work and we can't afford to either fix it or buy a new one, I am using it to take pictures during the day.

The beautiful weather we experienced this weekend afforded me an opportunity to take some pictures around the outside of the house. I have some ideas for landscaping, and wanted to have pictures on hand to use as templates for possible designs. I have decided to become a little more invested in my yard this year, and although I fear I am getting too lofty with my ideas, it's fun to know that I can control what my yard looks like, because, after all, it is MY yard.

Brad decided to take this week off in between leaving his position at Lou Bachrodt and starting at Gustafson's Furniture on April 1st. He's been doing a lot of work around the yard and some more in the house. He took some new pictures of the house in progress and posted them on my flickr account. When I went to go look at them, I saw some of the original pics we took of the house and was reminded of how much improvement has been made over the last two years. I think I need to be reminded every once in awhile of how much progress has been made even if I sometimes feel like it's never going to be done...

Tile on the walls, carpeted floors.


Our IKEA sink freshly installed

Drywalled and mudded...

First set of cabinets installed, walls painted.

Shelving units with Crate and Barrel bowls (wedding gift from Kathy P.!)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Happy New Year!

I read once somewhere that to help reduce stress around the holidays, a person should write a New Year letter instead of feeling pressured to write a Christmas letter to include in their cards. I may have stretched the “New Year” portion of the suggestion to the fullest – this letter is being written closer to “Valentine’s Day” than January 1st. Alas, it is a letter, and I am getting it done. What is that old adage, “Better late than never?” Okay, then.

The year 2006 proved to be full of unexpected situations and blessings in disguise. The year started off rather uneventful. January and February flew by, I celebrated my 28th birthday in March…then April happened.

At the end of April, Brad and I said good bye to Roscoe United Methodist Church, where and I had attended since a child and Brad worked as the Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries since the summer of 2002. The conditions surrounding our departure from the church were less than ideal and resulted in a lot of hurt feelings and heartache for many people. Brad and I continue to heal (I seem to be taking longer in the forgiveness part, but I know through the grace of God, and in my own time, will be able to bury my anger) and have tried to face the end of our relationship with Roscoe UMC as the beginning of an opportunity to explore new churches in the area – churches that better suit our ministry vision and style of worship. After visiting several area churches, we decided to plant our hearts at Heartland Church in Rockford. Both Brad and I have recently started volunteering in various areas at the church, and look forward to becoming more invested as time goes on.

In June, Brad began working at Lou Bachrodt Auto Mall in Cherry Valley as a Sales and Leasing Consultant. He has received a lot of praise from both clients and supervisors for having a positive and honest attitude, and although we are finding out first hand that the income in car sales fluctuates, Brad is proving he can, in fact, sell a car! Many people have agreed with Brad when he says that being in sales is very similar to being in ministry…

My only claim to fame this year was starting graduate school in August, but that didn’t last long! I attended one semester at Aurora University in the Masters in Social Work program before realizing that financially, it was not such a good idea and that I needed to re-evaluate my priorities. I really needed to be working full time to achieve our goal of being debt-free before we start a family. The good news is, I got straight A’s this semester and plan to transfer those credits in the future!

We also added a four-legged friend to our family in August! Bailey was adopted on August 14 through Central Illinois Sheltie Rescue. He is a 10-year old small Sheltie whose history is unknown other than he was surrendered by a family moving to Arizona. He is such a fun dog, and definitely a mama’s boy. Bailey loves to cuddle with me on my recliner and practically sings and dances when I come home! He is really healthy and acts young for his age, too -- even the vet guessed him to be only 7! Oh, and Brad turned 28 in August, too. He looks and acts 28, though, so don't let him try and fool you.

Yummy the cat didn’t seem too put out by her new furry sibling. She likes to wait for Bailey to come around the corner and jump out at him. Sometimes, he doesn’t take it too well and I have to break up a near fight. As I type this, Yummy is asleep on my desk, as was her usual position while I was in school when I typed papers. Her feathery fur is hard to resist and quite a distraction!

Brad and I continue to work on the renovation of our sweet fixer-upper of a home, but not very aggressively. We do what we can with what we are given and with what funds are available in which to do the work. There are usually a few things new in the home for guests to admire (or question) when they stop by. The excitement of what the house is becoming and the potential it has to further evolve is alive and well in both of us.

I believe that sums up the year 2006 as it applied to the Huntsman family this year. In print it does not seem much, but when reflecting on everything I get a little overwhelmed and have to take a breath. Throughout everything we experienced this year, I can honestly say that neither of us doubted God’s plan for us or believed He had forsaken us. Our faith remained strong and we continued to seek His will for us. We thank the Lord for amazing people in our life that supported us emotionally, physically, in prayer, and at times, financially! Without the love and commitment provided by our family and friends, Brad and I may not find ourselves in such a healthy place right now.

May 2007 bring you and your family lots of love, joy, blessings, and fun!

All our love,

The Huntsmans!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Things to come...

I realize I have not posted in awhile, and when I did post, the topics were relatively shallow and meant for entertainment. However, school is officially over for the semester as of yesterday, and here I am, quick to post on my ever-popular blog. My mind has been reeling with ideas on which to write about, and now hopefully I will have more "alone time" to actually publish my intricate thoughts and life happenings.
Which brings me to the section of this particular post where I tantalize you all with a glimpse of upcoming posts (because I know you sit at your computer, checking almost daily with anticipation to see what new and improved bright ideas I have chosen to write about).
--ADD interruptions: the most recent Jars of Clay song "Dead Man" is currently playing on the radio and I am reminded how I didn't even recognize the song when it first started playing because Dan Haseltine's voice is somewhat syncopated more than usual, and the music is reminisce of a 70s tune. Anyway, I love the song with a love like a mother feels for her children, even as they change through the years, because, they are, in fact her children...just as Jars of Clay are my "boyz."--
Coming up soon, on
- I will disclose a very important decision made on behalf of my life and future, which will undeniably disappoint some people, whereas others will care less because, after all, it's my life.
- I will give an update on my 2006 "goals."
- An end-of-the-year letter with pictures will be posted in mid-January.
- Pictures of scrapbook layouts I have worked on will be published on this site, not just for the enjoyment of others, but in attempt to spark a domino-effect of interest in those who may want to purchase pre-made layout scrapbooks for themselves or others.
- Stay tuned for an updated look of this blog, too, as I try and recruit my husband to add a certain flare to the site that only he is capable of accomplishing.
Well, those are just a few of the topics of future posts, so I hope my friends and family will continue to check back and perhaps recommend the blog to others to feed the all-to-common voyeuristic tendencies of Americans today. And, maybe someone will consider it a source of guilty pleasure...

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Moments of Joy

I guess my last post disappointed some people with its fluff and lack of sustenance. What people don't realize (but I am going to tell them now) is that I am always thinking of how I want to write a post about everything I am learning in grad school, and how my eyes have been opened to the crazy world of politics and that it is possible to be in the same class as people who think it is okay to refer to themself as a "c---" (they embrace the term) and to walk into class 20 minutes late 2/3 the way through the semester and claim they thought class started at 11:00.

And although I will eventually discuss my ever-changing outlook on this humanity-forsaken world, currently my heart is more heavily weighed down with yet another relationship debaucle. That's right. I'm talking about Brit and K-Fed. Time and time again celebrities are proving that, despite their fervent efforts to prove otherwise, YOU CAN BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ IN THE TABLOIDS.

However, I am able to find a moment of relief amongst all the disappointment I feel towards the celebrities I have really pulled for to make it through the angst of living in Hollywood and gossip surrounding their paparazzi-filled relationships and the irritation that wells up inside me 2/5 of the week sitting in graduate-level classes with students who cannot seem to make any type of serious point while they babble on about their troubled childhoods. I am able to count on one thing to remain a source of enjoyment in my life.

My sister dressing up as a giant whoopie cushion.